Book Covers
art direction, print
art direction, design
Art direction and book cover design for various titles.
Little Pretty and the Exceptional
by Anusree Roy
Reuniting with Strangers
by Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio
Lady Sunrise (alternate cover)
by Marjorie Chan
The Making of St. Jerome
by Marie Beath Badian
Queer / Play
edited by Moynan King
Sultans of the Street
by Anusree Roy
Fundamentals of Directing
by Ric Knowles
Performing Back: Post-Colonial Canadian Plays
edited by Dalbir Singh
Ignite: Illuminating Theatre for Young People
edited by Heather Fitzsimmons Frey
Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas
edited by Stephen Orlov & Samah Sabawi
Truth in Play: Drama Strategies for Building Meaningful Performances
by Debbie Nyman & Jill Lloyd-Jones
A Brimful of Asha
by Asha & Ravi Jain